Dec 21, 2016 Obviously the ability to add a new fingerprint to Touch ID on the Mac requires a Mac with a Touch ID sensor within the Touch Bar, currently limited to the newest model MacBook Pro but which will likely roll out to other Mac hardware and perhaps even with an Apple external keyboard in the future.
So just got a new Macbook Pro 13' (3.5 ghz, 512GB, 16GB) and it's lovely – if it wasn't for the fact that there seems to be something wrong with Touch ID. When I set it up (ie. register fingers) it works flawlessly. And when I use it to unlock the Mac after it's been asleep, it's fine. It's also fine when I use it the first time after a boot, but any subsequent attempts to use it fails. That is when I eg. try and move and audio unit component out of the Library and I'm asked to OK it with Touch ID. Nothing happens. I have to opt to use my password instead. That in itself is tedious, but it gets worse. I cannot use Touch ID for booting the Mac neither! If I shut it down via the Apple menu or a key shortcut, the only way of turning it back on is to close and open the lid. Obviously that *sounds* a bit like a hardware problem with the Touch ID, but I'm not convinced that that's the case, given that registering fingers is working perfectly and that it's 100% reproducable that it works as expected for waking and for the first attempt after a boot (and only then).

- Sep 28, 2020 Use Touch ID instead of your Apple ID password to make purchases on your Mac: Open the iTunes Store, App Store, or Apple Books Store. Click the buy button for something you want to purchase. A Touch ID prompt appears. Place your finger on Touch ID to complete the purchase.
- Nov 23, 2016 Touch ID and your security. Touch ID on the Mac provides the same strong security and privacy that iOS users have grown accustomed to. That’s because your Mac comes with a special chip that has so-called Secure Enclave which keeps mathematical representations of your saved prints, as well as Apple Pay tokens, safely encrypted.
Here's what I've tried so far:

1. Resetting PRAM. No difference.
2. Running Apple Diagnostics. Nothing to report.
3. Booting in Safe Mode (where I don't think Touch ID actually works anyway, so a bit of wasted time)

I Touch Id For Mac High Sierra
4. Installing 10.13.2 combo update on top of the existing 10.13.2 High Sierra. No difference.

Touch Id For Mac Not Working
5. Creating a new user and starting from that. Same problem.
I would like to reset the SMC as well, but the problem is that you need to use the power button for that on the Macbook Pro – and the Touch ID switch acts as a double for the power button, so I have no real way of knowing if it's registering that I'm holding down shift, ctrl, option and power for 15 seconds or not. Anyway, if it does register, it certainly doesn't help.
I'm a bit stuck here. Contacted Apple Support here in Denmark who suggested that I take it to the shop where I bought it. They didn't really seem to know their **** though, and I'm worried about taking it to the shop, cause if it's NOT a hardware problem, I'll be charged for them checking it.

Any ideas anybody?
Touch Id For Mac Mini
MacBook Pro TouchBar and Touch ID, macOS High Sierra (10.13.2)
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